I did a review of World’s Best Cat Litter Multiple Cat Clumping Formula last year so when World’s Best Cat Litter (WBCL) contacted me to see about sending me their scented formula to review I gladly accepted. The scented formula is corn-based just like the Original but contains lavender oil for those who like to use a scented litter.
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One problem I had during my first review was that a few of my cats wouldn’t use the box with WBCL in it. With cats being the finicky critters they can be, this isn’t unusual, but since I did a rapid litter change with that review, this time I decided to do a slow switch-over. I started by adding the original WBCL ( I wasn’t able to find the scented formula in my area) in with the brand of clumping litter I usually use whenever I needed to add more litter to keep the level up. It took some time, but finally I was able to add the scented formula. Unfortunately even with the slow switch, I still had some hold-outs. Charm and Pyro steered clear of the box. I need to work on my felines cooperating with my reviews.
The scented formula performed just like the original- no dust, good odor control, clumped well and not hard to scoop. But I have to say I prefer the scent of the original WBCL. It may be because I don’t really like the smell of lavender, but I found it to be pretty strong. When I first added the scented to the box I din’t mix it in and I could smell it from 3 rooms away. Some people may love that and I might if it were another scent (citrus maybe?). Once the litter was mixed into the original WBCL it wasn’t so strong so that may be an option for those who find the scent over-powering.
Review Round-up-
+ Very low to no dust
+ Great odor control
+ Flushable (as WBCL points out on their bag, regulations vary as to whether it is okay to flush litter box waste in your area)
+ Environmentally friendly. It’s made of corn so it’s completely biodegradable.
+ Requires less litter per pound than regular clumping litter to fill to the same level
+ Light texture making it easy to scoop all the way to the bottom of the box
+ Clumps well, but breaks down in water so it shouldn’t cause problems with plumbing
– Some cats and dogs may find it appealing to eat. It’s important to remember to monitor your pets to make sure they aren’t ingesting a large amount of litter. If they are this may not be the litter for them. There were some health concerns posted on my previous review. Any type of litter can be a problem. Since corn and other grained based products (including pet foods) can get a mold called aflatoxin, the litter box should not be kept and the litter should not be stored in damp areas as moisture can cause this mold to develop. Please if your cats show any signs of illness, get them to a vet! Cats, especially ones that are overweight, can develop a deadly condition called hepatic lipidosis if they are not eating regularly. Their body starts to metabolize their fat stores which their liver can not handle. This condition can happen for what seems like no reason, so please do not wait several days to see if your cat gets better.
– Some cats may have a problem with a sudden switch from the current litter, so a slow change-over may need to be done.
+/- Some people may like the scent, some people may not. Mixing the scented into the Original WBCL may work for those who like scented litter, but find it overpowering.
+/- Some cats may like the scent,some cats may not. Living with a cat with litter box issues I know how important it is to make sure the litter box is to the cats’ liking so for cats with litter box issues, keep an eye out for problems.
I think the World’s Best Cat Litter Scented Multiple Cat Clumping Formula will please a lot of people. For others like me who don’t really like the scent, there is still the original WBCL to use. It’s always nice to have a choice.
To find World’s Best Cat Litter in your area- Visit Where to Buy.
Or find it online at Amazon*.
Disclaimer: I received a sample for use in my review. The review of this product is the opinion of me and my pets. I received no compensation for my review and receipt of this product did not influence my review. The review may contain affiliate links for which I may receive compensation when you make a purchase from the site linked to in the review.