The best part about Valentine’s Day in grade school wasn’t getting Valentines’ from my classmates. And it wasn’t the party we would have in school(though this was a close second). It was picking out the Valentines I was going to give. It was a big deal to go to the store each year and pick the Valentines that we would give everyone in the class. Except for the years when Strawberry Shortcake and the Smurfs were a big part of my life, it wasn’t a tough decision for me. Animals were my Valentine’s theme of choice.
Even now so many years later, I still go for the animals. Only now I’m not limited to what I find in the store. I have the whole Internet to find Valentines’ to choose from. I couldn’t resist finding some Valentines’ for pet lovers to give or get from those they love. Here are some of my favorite finds.
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Dog and Cat Valentine Cards
Puppy Love Valentine Cards by Moments2Celebrate
Pug Valentine Card by DigiDoodling
Cat Hugger Valentine Cards by KudzuMonster
You are Woof-derful Valentine Cards by ScrapbookDigitalArt
Small Animal and Bird Valentine Cards
Happy Ferretine Card by PhoxPrints
Some Bunny Loves You by MagicPaperStore
Guinea Pig Valentine card by PartyPoshPrints
Printable Some-Bunny Valentine’s Day Cards by ToBeTia
Bunny Candy Holder Valentine Card by KudzuMonster
Funny Valentine Cards for Pet Parents
I Love You More Than My Dog Valentine Cards by AnalogAgenda
Put Food in My Bowl Valentines Cards by MiumiCatPrintables
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