Every year since 2011, I’ve participated in an annual post looking back at my past year in blogging. GoPetFriendly.com has been the host but decided to step back. Luckily Colby from PuppyInTraining.com decided to step in and keep the tradition going.
I’m so glad that he did.
I’ve been thinking about this post for a while.
2018 was not a good year for me. I felt there was a dark cloud over my head and my post for last year was just word vomit about how I was feeling. It started with having to say good-bye to one of my cats and ended with my mom getting sick. I felt bad for writing such a negative post, but it felt very cathartic to write out.
And I appreciated the comments that were left.
I wish I could say 2019 started better. My mom ended up getting sick and was hospitalized while in the nursing home for rehab. Unfortunately, my sisters and I had to make the decision to remove her from the ventilator. The hardest decision ever.
The week before that my 2 dogs fell 12 feet down into a sinkhole that had opened up in my backyard. I was heartsick knowing how sick my mom was and now thinking I was going to lose my dogs. I am very thankful for the emergency responders who rescued them. It was dark out. It was very very cold. They were all dog lovers and they did a great job. Luckily, my dogs were not injured and haven’t suffered any effects from their trip underground.
The next few months were a whirlwind with dealing with stuff from my mom’s death and working on things for a celebration of life we were having.
It hasn’t been easy. I miss my mom. but I feel I’m in a much better place than I was when I wrote last year’s post. Like the dark cloud that was hanging over my head has moved on.
I got to start working from home for my day job and it’s been a blessing. It’s saved me time and money. It’s allowed me to work much needed overtime much more easily. And it’s let me be with my pets which is the best thing.
I also added a new family member- Aura, a standard poodle. She came from her 3rd home with some fear issues along with being underweight and loaded with hookworms. We are still working on some of her issues, but she feels safe and is happy which is a big improvement from the dog I saw when I met her. And she has been a big help in getting me through my grief. I can’t wait to see her happiness grow in 2020.
When did you begin your blog? And, for anyone stopping by for the first time, please give us a quick description of what your blog is about.
I started blogging in 2007. My blog was named Pet Product Reviews which is what I blogged about at the time. I was working for an online pet retailer at the time and I had the idea to do reviews after talking to customers who were calling for more info on products we sold. My dream was to build a hub of product reviews people could find online to help them make the right choice for their pet. Since I could buy products at wholesale prices, it seemed like a great idea to review what I bought for my own pets. Unfortunately, about 2 months after I started my site, the owners of the company sold the business to another online retailer who operated out of state. I lost my job when they moved everything to Wisconsin. Dream gone and my blog went on a bit of a hiatus.
I got re-energized about my site in 2016 and decided to change the name and change things just a bit. PetFaves was born and I no longer concentrate on reviews but instead share products I find that I think pet lovers would love for their pets or themselves.
Name one thing about your blog, or one blogging goal that you accomplished during 2019, that made you most proud.
I feel like I’ve just been putzing around with blog and I really want to grow it and make an income from it. My mom passing away gave me the motivation to really start working regularly to move toward that goal.
I spent time cleaning up posts, updating others, writing new content, and working harder at promoting it. I was rewarded with an increase in traffic by the end of the year.
Which of your 2019 blog posts was your favorite and why?
My favorite post was How to Pet-Proof Your Christmas Tree. I’m working on writing more informational posts that help pet parents solve a problem. This is my first and I’m happy with it.
What was the biggest blogging challenge you faced in 2019, and how did you tackle it?
Hmmm. I guess it would be my perpetual problem of finding the time to work on my blog like I want to. My animals, my day job with overtime, my need for sleep take up a lot of my time. Working from home has given me a bit more free time since I don’t have to worry about getting ready for work and traveling to work, but it’s still a struggle.
I’ve tackled it by realizing that I can only do what I can do. It is sometimes hard especially when other people think it’s motivating to throw out quotes about “making time for what’s important” or toss advice like “find time by getting up at 5 am”(I do get up at 5 am). I don’t find these helpful. I’m getting better at tuning those types of things out.
One goal that we all seem to share is we want to reach more people. What is your #1 tip for bringing more traffic to your blog?
Don’t give up. It’s easy to get discouraged when you aren’t seeing the growth you want, but traffic sources like Google and Pinterest take some time.
Do you do sponsored posts/reviews? If so, what do you find works best and how do you determine what to charge for a blog post, social media shares, etc.? If not, is this something you’d like to do more of? What hurdle is getting in your way?
I don’t do sponsored posts. I’m not averse to doing them, but right now I don’t feel I have the time to do them with the attention that they need.
Looking forward to 2020, if you accomplish only one thing through your blog, what do you hope it is?
The one thing I want to accomplish is to have my traffic keep growing. I know traffic is needed to build an income through affiliate links and ad networks so this is something I continue to work on.
What steps are you planning to take to ensure you reach your goal?
I am working on writing more content, making sure it’s optimized for SEO, and making sure I have my pins for it optimized. I also joined a paid blogging group The Influencer Society. They work on a different area of blogging every month. It helps keep me motivated and moving.
The blogging landscape is constantly changing. What changes in blogging do you see coming in 2020 and beyond? What plans do you have to evolve?
I don’t think too much about change. I’ve been blogging for 12 years and there has been a lot of change and there will continue to be a lot of change. I’ll make adjustments as needed, but I don’t have any specific plans.
If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one challenge you’re having with your blog, what would it be?
How about topic ideas? What areas of pet parenthood are you looking for help with or think other pet parents are looking for help with?
And if anyone is interested, I’m doing a post for National Reading Month in March and would love to include your favorite book. Get the details here —> https://docs.google.com/document/d/13JxrLd9qP7cyW1_tSkwJhv9UniXMhMV3O29ortntAZ4
See what our blogging friends have been up to this past year.
Hi Dawn,
I completely related to your introduction. My dad got sick and died in 2019, so I know how difficult that process is. It’s good to read that your pets are doing well, including your newest family member Aura. Pets are the best comfort, I think.
As far as topics go, I like reading about new products, especially dog toys or anything related to canine enrichment. I’m sure there are enrichment activities and toys for other pets too. Maybe there are toys or activities that crossover, like here’s something to do with your dog that your cat could like too?
Here’s to fresh starts and a happy 2020! Irene
I feel very lucky to have had my pets with everything going on with my mom. They keep you going.
Thank you for the suggestion. Enrichment is done for all types of pets so I could do several posts.
I’m sorry to here about your mom. I’m glad things are looking better for you this year. That’s amazing the your dogs were rescued from a 12 foot sinkhole. Kudos to your first responders.
Can you believe we’ve been at this blogging thing for so long? I’m glad you’re in a better place this year an to answer your question I think you could put some great posts together around your new poodle, Aura. You could write about the Poodle breed, Introducing new dogs to the family, about hookworms, socialization, and I’m sure there are a bunch of other topics around her adoption.
I hope that helps. Here’s to a great 2020!
I am so grateful for the first responders they did a great job.
I do have a poodle post in draft that will get published at some point! I do want to stick with post topics I can include pet products in, so I’ll have to do some brainstorming for more poodle ideas.
I’m a member of the Influencer Society too. They are a great resource.
I’m so sorry you have had a tough couple of years. Here’s hoping 2020 will be much better.
Thanks Cathy. I have a feeling 2020 will be better.
Hi – I feel like I have read about a product on Pet Product Reviews =) and it’s a pleasure to meet you here.
I’m sorry to hear about your hardships. I hope they are all behind you. I heard you on sleep. That time I did 9 articles in 30 days …. I gave up sleep lol.
I had actually never heard of your blog before and I’m glad that Colby hosting the hop has allowed me to meet you here.
That’s what I love about this annual hop, we get to meet bloggers and visit blogs we haven’t before and catch up with those we have!
Wow reading your story really touched my heart. I cannot believe how similar our stories are. I lost 2 of my senior dog’s ages 14 and 16 within 3 months of each other. Than my mother passed away and I too had to remove the ventilator. It was the hardest thing I ever went through. So Cheers to us for turning our dark clouds into some sunshine with blogging. I then adopted a dog as well. That was also my inspiration for creating my pet frenzy community. I started with a few reviews and have been focusing on some local companies in my area. Your story is so inspiring, How I get some of my topics is by joining the dog owners groups on Facebook or Twitter. find out what people are asking about. Reddit is a good one to get topics that are commonly asked. I will definitely keep you bookmarked. Thank you again for sharing your story and I am so sorry you went through what you have. And I send my deepest condolences Nothing is harder than losing a parent or a pet. ~hugs~
Thank you Bren. I’m sorry you’ve been through the same thing. It definitely gives you a different perspective on things and motivates you to do something important. Good for you for making the decision to become a blogger.
We really need to get together some time to do a video or something together. Heck, you live right down the street.
I am glad your day job allows you to work from home. I’ve been doing that since 2000, and I could never go back to an office. Congrats on that.
You are a survivor and have gone through so very much.
For topics, I did not realize you had a change so I am eager to watch you grow.
Have a super successful 2020!
Thanks Carol! We do have to get together. Jodi Stone and I have talked about doing a blogger meet-up, but with everything going on the past 2 years haven’t been able to plan anything. WE should try to put something together.
It won’t be too much of a change with my blog. I’ll still be blogging about pet/pet-related products. I’m just to write more problem-solving posts that recommend products to help with the problem.
Hello, Nice to meet you…
I love how you say not to give up! That’s a big one especially for a new blogger like me. I will take your advice and continue to do what I love! Who knew blogging would make you feel so good when you get to talk about what you love..
Best of luck to you with your blog this year…
The Journey Continues….
P.S Let’s help each other out on Pinterest. When I see your Pins I’ll be sure to share….
I’m just trying to stay pawsitive Kris! I’m already following you on Pinterest. I
My Tailwind has been pretty neglected for a few months. I need to get in there and get my feed full again so I’ll be sure to head to your account!
Welcome to pet blogging and congrats on all you have done! I wish I had good advice on getting some good backlinks from big sites. Unfortunately, it’s hard. I used HARO (help a reporter out) a few years ago but I think that has gotten so spammy now. Writing good content and hoping it gets shared … not the best strategy either. You may want to go the guest post route but write a real, personal pitch (not all those spammy requests we all get). Actually engage on their blog first, become a part of the community and then ask to contribute a seriously awesome article.
Thanks Lindsay I’m an old timer to the pet blogosphere but appreciate the welcome!
I’m not really worried about back links right now. I have a limited time to work so right now I’m concentrating on writing content and doing some post promotion, but I will keep your advice in mind for the future.
Hi, there! The one thing I have to admit is that I don’t *get* Pinterest and whether it can really help with generating new visits to my site and new clients for my pet photography business. I mean, I know I have the visual content for it, but I just don’t know if my target audience is Pinning.
Do you have any insight into that?
So glad to have found this blogging community. I look forward to seeing more from you.
Hi Angela! I am in no way a Pinterest expert, but you have some great posts on taking photos of your dogs that are the type of posts people like to pin. For advice on how to optimize your pins I recommend following Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media. She has a podcast and Facebook group where you can find great information.
Finding time has bee something I’ve struggled with a bit too. Working 40 hours a week and having a 40-minute commute each way doesn’t give me a ton of time during the week to blog. I’ve made it work so far, but I’ve always felt like I could be better if I had more time! Hoping 2020 is a better you for you! 🙂
It’s tough isn’t it Erin! Even with the switch to working from home, it seems hard for me to get a good amount of time to do what I’d like to do with my blog. I try not to let it bother me and just keep doing what I can to keep things moving forward.
Hope 2020 is great for you!
Nice to meet you, Dawn! I’m sorry you’ve had a rough year – that sinkhole incident sounds extremely scary! I’d say that consistency and writing helpful, detailed blog posts that solve readers’ problems is what keeps a blog going and growing. Much blogging success for 2020!
Nice to meet you too Barbara! The sinkhole was very scary especially since I thought it had to be a mine cave-in. Luckily(if you can say that) it was from a dry well. I’m very grateful to have my pups safe and sound above ground.
Good luck with your blogging too!
Happy New Year! I’m so sorry for your loss. And, wow! A sinkhole? I see those on the news and they’re frightening. I’m glad all worked out.
When it comes to pet parenting, I’m very interested in behavior. I have five dogs and watching them interact with each other or with me is fascinating and has inspired me to try and find the answers to why they do what they do.
Wishing you the best in 2020.
Happy New Year to you too Kimberly! I had all sorts of images in my mind from sinkholes I’ve seen on the news too. I’m glad our outcome was good!
Behavior is a good topic. There are some ways I can do posts about products used for behavior. Thanks for the suggestion!
It sounds to me that you are a strong survivor. You have been through so much and yet you are still here with us blogging! I’ve only been blogging since 2017 and it feels a constant roller coaster.
I’m not a huge book reader, but I’ve been reading The art of raising a puppy by Monks of New Skete. It’s really an interesting view point of raising dogs.
Cheers to an awesome 2020!
Thanks Debi. I just can’t seem to give blogging up. I know I can build it into something if I keep going.
Blogging is definitely a roller coaster. While I don’t like the real thing, I’m happy to be on the blooging ride!
I’m so sorry to hear about your mom Dawn I can’t imagine having to make that kind of decision for someone I loved.
I wish I could have gotten into the Influencer Society but until the blog makes more money I have to wait, maybe next time.
A sinkhole. Ohh my that sounds totally terrifying and the pups falling down?!?! That heavens for compassionate first responders is all I can say.
I get a lot of my blogging ideas from doing keyword research. They let you look as different directions and decide if the research and pictures will be fun to take and do. Sometimes the suggestions just make me laugh.